Our Safety
HSSE (Health Safety Security and Environment)
PT Dirgantara Petroindo Raya always places HSSE in an important position in every operational and non-operational activity. PT Dirgantara Petroindo Raya carries out activities that can increase the knowledge and awareness of every personnel, third parties and consumers to carry out the BP Golden Rules.
PT Dirgantara Petroindo Raya recognizes that occupational safety, security, and health as well as environmentally friendly are key to long-term business sustainability.
Therefore, we are committed and take the responsible, to protect the Security, Health and Safety of Employees and all parties involved, prevent and eliminate potential the of work incident, occupational illness, and environmental pollution.
We are committed to comply with legislation, to follow the design and operating standards and to monitor the implementation of its performance by considering the aspects of occupational health and environmental norms at each stage of the operation.
The commitment of HSSE Management is realized in the implementation of HSSE campaign and socialization aimed at instilling and raising awareness of workers and contractors on HSSE and evaluating the implementation process of safety control. Training and refreshment training of Control Work are mandatory for contractor that involve with Project and Operation
The HSSE standard operation procedure is continuously evaluated and improved to adjust to the latest developments and higher safety standards.
Compliance to the HSSE’s SOP is the responsibility of all stakeholders, including employees, contractors, suppliers, business partners, and visitors.
To ensure that all parties will participate in the HSSE programs, PT Dirgantara Petroindo Raya issue the HSSE Policy which will always be republished regularly and periodically.